Shipping to BRAZIL
BRAZIL : All orders MUST include your CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas) number in the comment section, otherwise your Customs Department will not accept the package and they will abandon the package without a refund.
All orders will be processed within 48 hours after the order is placed. Transit times and shipping costs will be dependent on your shipping preference - transit times are NOT guaranteed, as they are estimates. All duties and taxes assessed by customs in the country of arrival are the responsibility of the customer upon the shipment's arrival. If these are not paid, the package will be abandoned without a refund.
Our prices are displayed and submitted in US dollars, and then processed by your credit card provider to be converted to your local currency’s amount. The final amount charged by Glam Competition Jewelry is an exact measure in US currency, but may be an estimated measure that does not include the converted amount/rate that will be charge by your credit card provider.
International Shipping & RatesWe ship to over 100 countries and counting! Most orders placed on a business day will be shipped out within 24 hours, however some orders may take 24-48 hours to process, and then will ship. We do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. Any orders placed after 2pm EST will be shipped out the following business day.
Standard International (21-31 business days for most areas)
Expedited International (14-21 days for most areas)
Express International (7-14 days for most areas)
All orders will be processed within 48 hours after the order is placed. Transit times and shipping costs will be dependent on your shipping preference - transit times are NOT guaranteed, as they are estimates. All duties and taxes assessed by customs in the country of arrival are the responsibility of the customer upon the shipment's arrival. If these are not paid, the package will be abandoned without a refund.
Our prices are displayed and submitted in US dollars, and then processed by your credit card provider to be converted to your local currency’s amount. The final amount charged by Glam Competition Jewelry is an exact measure in US currency, but may be an estimated measure that does not include the converted amount/rate that will be charge by your credit card provider.
International Shipping & RatesWe ship to over 100 countries and counting! Most orders placed on a business day will be shipped out within 24 hours, however some orders may take 24-48 hours to process, and then will ship. We do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. Any orders placed after 2pm EST will be shipped out the following business day.
Standard International (21-31 business days for most areas)
Expedited International (14-21 days for most areas)
Express International (7-14 days for most areas)